
How To Make Spring Flowers Perfume

Spring Flowers Perfume recipe

Extract of rose, } from pomade, each, 1 pint.
Extract of violet, }
Extract of rose, triple, 2-1/2 oz.
Extract of cassie, 2-1/2 oz.
Otto of bergamot, 2 drachms.
Extract of ambergris, 1 oz.

The just reputation of this perfume places it in the first rank of the very best mixtures that have ever been made by any manufacturing perfumer.
Its odor is truly flowery, but peculiar to itself.
Being unlike any other aroma it cannot well be imitated, chiefly because there is nothing that we are acquainted with that at all resembles the odor of the esprit de rose, as derived from macerating rose pomade in spirit, to which, and to the extract of violet, nicely counterpoised, so that neither odor predominates, the peculiar character of "Spring Flowers" is due; the little ambergris that is present gives permanence to the odor upon the handkerchief, although from the very nature of the ingredients it may be said to be a fleeting odor.
"Spring Flowers" is an Englishman's invention, but there is scarcely a perfumer in Europe that does not attempt an imitation.

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