
How to Make Jockey Club Bouquet : English Formula and French Formula

To make Jockey Club Bouquet with English formula

Extract of orris root, 2 pints.
Esprit de rose, triple, 1 pint.
Esprit rose de pomade, 1 pint
Extrait de cassie, }
Extrait de tubereuse, } de pomade, of each 1/2 pint
Extrait de ambergris, } 1/2 pint
Otto of bergamot, 1/2 oz.

To make Jockey Club Bouquet with French formula

Esprit de rose, de pomade, 1 pint.
Esprit de tubereuse, 1 pint.
Esprit de cassie, 1/2 pint.
Esprit de jasmine, 1/4 pint.
Extract of civet, 3 oz.

See Also :.

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