
Some Plants Which Dye Yellow

Some plants can be used as natural dyes. For example some of the following plants can produce a yellow dye:

Agrimony. Agrimonia Eupatoria.
Ash. Fraxinus excelsior. Fresh inner bark.
Barberry. Berberis vulgaris. Stem and root.
Birch. Leaves.
Bog Asphodel. Narthecium ossifragum.
Bog Myrtle or Sweet Gale. Myrica Gale.
Bracken. Pteris aquilina. Roots. Also young tops.
Bramble. Rubus fructicosus.
Broom. Sarothammus Scoparius.
Buckthorn. Rhamnus frangula and R. cathartica. Berries and Bark.
Common dock. Rumex obtusifolius. Root.
Crab Apple. Pyrus Malus. Fresh inner bark.
Dyer's Greenwood. Genista tinctoria. Young shoots and leaves.
Gorse. Ulex Europæus. Bark, flowers and young shoots.
Heath. Erica vulgaris. With Alum.
Hedge stachys. Stachys palustris.
Hop. Humulus lupulus.
Hornbeam. Carpinus Betulus. Bark.
Kidney Vetch. Anthyllis Vulnararia.
Ling. Caluna vulgaris.
Marsh Marigold. Caltha palustris.
Marsh potentil. Potentilla Comarum.
Meadow Rue. Thalictrum flavum.
Nettle. Urtica. With Alum.
Pear. Leaves.
Plum. Leaves
Polygonum Hydropiper. Polygonum Persecaria.
Poplar. Leaves.
Privet. Ligustrum vulgare. Leaves.
S. John's Wort. Hypericum perforatum.
Sawwort. Serratula tinctoria.
Spindle tree. Euonymus Europæus.
Stinking Willy, or Ragweed. Senecio Jacobæa.
Sundew. Drosera.
Teasel. Dipsacus Sylvestris.
Way-faring tree. Viburnum lantana. Leaves.
Weld. Reseda luteola. .
Willow Leaves.
Yellow Camomile. Anthemis tinctoria.
Yellow Centaury. Chlora perfoliata.
Yellow Corydal. Corydalis lutea.
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